Free Social Icons

Written by Super User on . Posted in Uncategorised

Free Social Icons Set

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The Widgetkit Slideset takes your product showcase to the next level. It provides a sleek way to show multiple sets of items and uses smooth effects while looping through them.


  • Clean and very lightweight code
  • Eye-catching transition effects
  • Fully responsive including all effects
  • Support of named custom sets
  • Swipe navigation on mobile phones
  • Built with HTML5, CSS3, PHP 5.2+, and the latest jQuery version
  • Works with Joomla and WordPress

Slide Example

The sets are auto generated (4 items per set), item names are shown and it uses the slide effect and navigation buttons.

  • Icon 01
  • Icon 02
  • Icon 03
  • Icon 04
  • Icon 05
  • Icon 06
  • Icon 07
  • Icon 08
  • Icon 09
  • Icon 10
  • Icon 12
  • Icon 12

Zoom Example

The sets are arranged manually, the sets names are used as navigation and it uses the zoom effect.

  • Icon 01
  • Icon 02
  • Icon 03
  • Icon 04
  • Icon 05
  • Icon 06
  • Icon 07
  • Icon 08
  • Icon 09
  • Icon 10
  • Icon 12
  • Icon 12
  • Icon 13

Drops Example

The sets show the item names and it uses the drops effect and navigation buttons.

  • Icon 01
    Album 1
  • Icon 02
    Album 2
  • Icon 03
    Album 3
  • Icon 04
    Album 4
  • Icon 05
    Album 5
  • Icon 06
    Album 6
  • Icon 07
    Album 7
  • Icon 08
    Album 8
  • Icon 09
    Album 9
  • Icon 10
    Album 10
  • Icon 12
    Album 11
  • Icon 12
    Album 12

Deck Example

This auto generated sets uses prev/next buttons as navigation and the deck effect.

  • Icon 01
  • Icon 02
  • Icon 03
  • Icon 04
  • Icon 05
  • Icon 06
  • Icon 07
  • Icon 08
  • Icon 09
  • Icon 10
  • Icon 12
  • Icon 12

How To Use

The Widgetkit Slideset takes full advantage of the very user-friendly Widgetkit administration user interface. You can create and manage all the slidesets and their different items in one place. After you have created a slideset you can load it anywhere on your website using shortcodes or the universal Widgetkit Joomla module or WordPress widget.


Written by Super User on . Posted in Uncategorised

The Widgetkit Map provides a simple solution for adding a map to your website. Various features let you customize the map like changing colors and adding markers or directions.


  • Location selection with auto geocoding
  • Support for multiple map markers with text popups
  • Option to get the direction to the active marker
  • Support for custom map styles and colors
  • Uses the latest Google Maps API
  • Built with HTML5, CSS3, PHP 5.2+, and the latest jQuery version
  • Works with Joomla and WordPress

Direction Example

This map features all map controls, multiple markers and you can get the direction.

Color Scheme Example

Set or invert the hue, saturation, lightness and gamma of a map.

Minimal Example

This map has a fixed width, no controls and no markers.

How To Use

With the Widgetkit Map you can quickly create and manage simple maps with features like multiple markers, text popups and custom color schemes. Once you have created a map you can load it anywhere on your website using shortcodes or the universal Widgetkit Joomla module or WordPress widget.


Written by Super User on . Posted in Uncategorised

The Widgetkit Gallery provides a smart and automated way to publish images on your website. You only need to select the image folders and the whole gallery is generated automatically.


  • Fully responsive including all effects
  • Folder based image selection
  • Support for multiple image folders
  • Automatic thumbnail creation
  • Support for image captions and custom links
  • Uses the Widgetkit Spotlight and Lightbox
  • Built with HTML5, CSS3, PHP 5.2+, and the latest jQuery version
  • Works with Joomla and WordPress

Showcase Box Example

This is an image showcase with eye-catching transition effects and a thumbnail navigation.

Image Wall Example

This is an image wall with zoom effect, no margins and squared corners using the lightbox.

Polaroid Example

This is an image wall with scattered polaroid pictures using the lightbox.

Slider Example 1

This is an image slider where the image centers automatically during the effect. It also features a spotlight caption and the lightbox.

Slider Example 2

This is an image slider where the image stays left during the effect.

Slideshow Screen Example

This is an image gallery using the nice swipe effect from the slideshow widget.

Slideshow Default Example

This is an image gallery using all the features from the slideshow widget.

Showcase Example

This is a simple image showcase mashing up all the features from the slideshow and slideset widget.

Slideshow Inside Example

This is a very basic slideshow which uses preview thumbnails inside the image as navigation.

Spotlight Example

This is an image wall with some margins and rounded corners using the spotlight and lightbox.

Slideset Example

This is an image gallery using all the features from the slideset widget.

  • image1
  • image10
  • image11
  • image12
  • image2
  • image3
  • image4
  • image5
  • image6
  • image7
  • image8
  • image9

How To Use

The Widgetkit Gallery comes with a user-friendly administration user interface which let's you create new galleries with just a few clicks. The integrated directory browser let's you easily add or remove source directories of your images. All galleries can be loaded anywhere in your theme using shortcodes or the universal Widgetkit Joomla module or WordPress widget.

Media Player

Written by Super User on . Posted in Uncategorised

The Widgetkit Media Player is a HTML5 audio and video player completely built HTML and CSS. You can easily embed video files into your website by using the HTML5 video element. A Flash player fallback is included for all unsupported browsers.


  • Native playback for modern HTML5 browsers
  • Supports MP4 (h.264), WebM, FLV, WMV and MP3 files
  • Completely built with HTML and CSS
  • Responsive design to fit all device resolutions
  • Same UI in all browsers
  • Create your own skins
  • Flash player fallback for unsupported browsers
  • Works with Joomla and WordPress


This is a MP3 Audio Sample:

How To Use

Use the HTML5 video element to embed video in your website. For example:

<video src="/video.mp4" width="320" height="240"></video>

You can also provide multiple sources, to add support for the different video formats like h.264, WebM or Ogg:

<video width="320" height="240">
	<source type="video/mp4"  src="/video.mp4" />
	<source type="video/webm" src="/video.webm" />
	<source type="video/ogg"  src="/video.ogv" />

Use the HTML5 audio element to embed MP3 files in your website. For example:

<audio src="/audio.mp3" type="audio/mp3"></audio>

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